How the System works
COMING SOON .... But, while you're waiting
Until the release of the full Reef Moonshiner's Tropical Trace Element and full Fertilizer system for Ultra High Tech Planted Tanks, the Freshwater ICP-MS Test can already be purchased and used for analytical purpose and troubleshooting your Tropical Planted Freshwater Aquarium!
This ICP-MS test will measure all important key Trace elements, Nutrients and therefore your Fertilizer levels as well as your Water Source for top off and Water changes.
The "Reef Moonshiners Tropical ICP-MS Test" comes with a pre-paid return envelope, and is shipped twice a week to the scientific operated Oceamo Laboratory in Austria.
This Laboratory Test does outperform by far any other hobby grade ICP Tests on the Global market.
This is science and High Tech brought to your Home Aquarium setup.